SBL Officer (CASH) exam question solution 2018

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SBL Officer (CASH) exam question solution 2018, provide by The Sonali Bank Officer (Cash) question solution 2018 is available now. The SBL Officer Cash exam was held on March 27, 2018. In this day, various exam was held as Bangladesh Bank  General Officer, Titas Gas Assistant General Officer and so on. See the all recent exam question 2018 on

SBL Officer (CASH) exam question solution 2018

SBL Officer (CASH) exam question solution 2018

Sonali Bank Question Solution (Officer Cash) : 

বাংলাঃ ১। কল্কে পাওয়া = পাত্তা পাওয়া
২। অধর পল্লব = কর্মধারয় সমাস ৩। যে ব্যক্তি এক ঘর থেকে অন্য ঘরে ভিক্ষা করে বেড়ায় = মাধুকর ৪। স্বর সংঙ্গতির উদাহরণ = দেশী > দিশী ৫। রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরের রচনা নয় = মৃত্যু ক্ষুধা ৬। পন্ঞ্চভূত রচনা করেন = রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর ৭। কাক নিদ্রা = অগভীর নিদ্রা ৮। পাশাপাশি দুটি বর্ণ বা ধ্বনির মিলনকে বলে = সন্ধি ৯। শুদ্ধ বানান = স্বায়ত্তশাসন ১০। যে বহু বিষয়ে জানে = কোনটি নয় ১১। সূর্য এর প্রতিশব্দ = আদিত্য ১২। ক্ষীয়মাণ এর বিপরীত = বর্ধমান ১৩। গোফ খেজুরে = মধ্যপদলোপী বহুব্রীহি সমাস ১৪। নেই আঁকড়া = একগুঁয়ে ১৫। মুক্তিযুদ্ধ ভিত্তিক উপন্যাস = আগুনের পরশমণি ১৬। সঠিক সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ =   বৃহড্‌ঢক্কা = বৃহৎ + ঢক্কা GK Part: 1 . The finance commission is appointed after every = 5 years 2. The system of dual citizenship exists in = UK 3. point of sale machine is widely used by = merchants 4. Which of the following organization is concerned with environmental issue = IPCC 5. The device used for measuring altitudes is = altimeter 6. The value of gold is determined in = London 7. where is the headquarters of ADB = Manila 8. Which of the following glasses is used in bullet proof screens = Reinforced glasses 9. which is the land of the raising sun = Japan 10. The longest mountain range in the world is = The Andes Computer Part: 1. The process of transferring file from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called = Downloading 2. Verification of a logging name & password is known = authentification 3. A special type of memory chip that hold software that can be read but not written to = Rom 4. The set of  instructions that tells the computer what to do = Software 5. which of the following will not protect you from spam = popup blockers 6………… controls the way in which the computer system functions & provides a means by which userss can interact with the computer = Operating system 7. All of the following are example of real security & privacy risk Except = Spam 8. Which of the following is used for close a tap on the browser = ctrl+w 9. when cutting & pasting, cutting section is temporary store in = clipboard 10. Which of the following is a correct formet of Email address = [email protected] Math Part: 1. 245 2. 8 months 3. 400 4. 5 KM 5. 12 km/hr 6. 8 7. None 8. 20 minutes 9. 7/19 10. 3/x 11. 3500 12. 20/7 13. 5/3 14. 121 15. 27 16. 10 days 17. 1/5 18. 14160 19. 18/π 20. 66/2/3 % 21. 33/70 22. None 23. 156 24. 12 cm 25. 44% 26. 25/3 gallons   English:  set-b 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. d 6. a 7. b 8. d 9. a 10. a 11. b 12. c 13. c
14. b 15. b 16. b 17. a 18. d

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